Schedule a Zoom meeting in Moodle

Now that there is an existing Zoom instance in your module, you can schedule multiple meetings using it. To schedule a meeting please follow these steps.

Step 1: Start by clicking on the Zoom icon in the first section in your module page.

Step 2: Click on “schedule a new meeting” blue button located at the top right corner. 

Step 3: Fill out the following required questions, starting with the following:

  1. Topic
  2. Description
  3. Date, time and duration.
  4. Only click the checkbox for “Recurring meeting” and select the appropriate parameters if you this option is suitable.
  5. Time zone: leave as default.
  6. Registration: leave as default.
  7. Security: leave as default.
  8. Video: leave as default or modify based on you preferences
  9. Audio: leave as default.
  10. Meeting option: Select options based on your preferences
  11. Alternative host: Add alternative host by adding their email addresses followed by a comma after every one added.

Click “Save” to confirm action

Step 4: Once created, the session information is displayed. You can then close this tab and return to your module where you will be able to find the Zoom meeting link.

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