- How do I create a Turnitin rubric?
- How to create a Turnitin Assignment dropbox
- How do I resolve the "Turnitin is expired" issue?
- How do I re-enable anonymous marking in Turnitin?
- What do different Turnitin scores mean?
- Why has a student’s Turnitin score changed since submitting their work?
- How can I move submissions between Turnitin dropboxes?
- My student hasn’t received a digital email receipt for their Turnitin submission. What can I do?
- I’m trying to mark a submission. Why do I get a Turnitin login page when I try to open it?
- Why can’t students view their feedback in Turnitin?
- How do I release grades and feedback for a Turnitin assignment?
- Why can’t a student submit to Turnitin?
- How can my students check drafts using Turnitin?
- How do I remove/overwrite a piece of work from a Turnitin dropbox?
- How do I identify a student’s work if they haven’t used their student number?
- How do I export Turnitin grades to spreadsheets
- Should I respond to TurnitinUK requests to share assignments from UoP students with staff at other universities?