Should I respond to TurnitinUK requests to share assignments from UoP students with staff at other universities?


This is at the discretion of individual academics.

Why did I get the request?
These requests are sent by markers at other universities when there is a match to a UoP student's work. We may make similar requests to academics at other institutions as well, so there is a degree of collegiality involved in this process. However, there are a number of issues to bear in mind:
  • The request email is sent to tutors associated with a Turnitin assignment, which means anyone with lecturer access to the Moodle site which houses the assignment will receive the request. If you do not have teaching or module leadership responsibility for the module in question, you can disregard the request. 
  • If you do not have teaching or module leadership responsibility for the module in question, you can disregard the request.
  • The email you have received may be a legitimate request to help someone at another institution to investigate an academic integrity issue. However, there is also a chance it may not be a legitimate request, or may have been sent accidentally. If you do not recognise the person making the request, you may wish to contact the person who made the request at their own institution via telephone, to provide peace of mind before responding. For technical queries, you can contact to discuss further.
  • Please be aware - replying to the email will reply to the email address of the person who made the request, and will make the student paper appear in the email chain. If the work contains confidential or proprietary information, it should not be shared.
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