Add lecture content

Moodle is a versatile Learning Management System that allows lecturers upload resources, assign activities and monitor student progress. This page highlights simple but important features critical to its use.
Feel free to contact us for any changes or features you want to add to your Moodle unit.

Adding a file

To start by adding files to your Moodle unit, it supports various file formats including Word, Powerpoint and Excel. Please follow the instruction in the link below to help share file resources with your users.

For instructions on how to add a file click here

Adding a folder

The Folder feature allows users to add multiples files ''Word, Powerpoint or Excel'' into a folder. It is a great way to group related files together and is also useful for keeping Moodle sections tidier. The folder activity can hold a limited file size so a video is not recommended to be uploaded please use the book activity with compass embedded links to display video content. Please follow the instructions below on how to present related files in a folder.

For instructions of how to add a folder click here

Adding a URL

The URL feature allows lecturers to provide useful web links to your resources. This can be useful when arranging video content and external sites that would be prominent and important content.

For instructions on how to add a URL click here

Add a Book

The book feature enables lecturers to create a multi-page resource in a book-like format with chapters and subchapters. It supports multimedia file (images, audio, and videos) as well as text plain text for lengthy passages of content which can be broken down into sections. You can also apply content to your site for other types of different content like H5P.

For instruction on how to add a book click here

Add a Label

Labels are used to embed text on the unit homepage. You can add as much content into a label as you like, including pictures and videos. For example, you could use a label to add a heading to a list of files, add introductory/instructional text to a list of activities, or to add unit content.

For instruction of how to add a label click here

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