Moodle Basics

This Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ) is developed to support academic staff with basic Moodle questions. If there are questions not answered here please contact the for assistance.

Getting started



Getting started

How do I log in to Moodle?
Use your UoP user ID and password to log into Moodle.

Now that I have access what next?
You can discuss with your dedicated departmental – Learning designer for a quick one-to-one training on how to manage your module.

How to hide or unhide a module?
Turn Editing On, then locate the cog at the top-right, click it and select “edit settings”
In the page you are presented with, select either show or hide next to “Course visibility”.
Then, click on “Save and display” at the bottom of the page to confirm changes.

How to hide/show section?
Start by making sure editing is turned-on at the top-left of the module.
The easiest way to do this is to click on Topic Edit topic button and select “Hide topic”.
This will result in the section being greyed out and hidden from students.
To unhide the section, follow the same steps and select “Show topic”, and the section will no longer be greyed out and will be visible to students.

How do I delete a section?
Turn Editing On, click on the Topic Edit button, and choose Delete Topic.
If the section is empty, it will be deleted without confirmation. If the section is populated, you will be required to confirm the deletion

How do I add a new section to my module?
Turn Editing On, go to the bottom of the module page, at the right-side of the last section click Add week .
Use the pop-up to choose the number of sections you require, click Add Topics.

How do I edit a section name or summary?
Please leave the default weekly date as the title.
Use Moodle Labels for to provide titles for your module section.
To do this please click “Add an activity and resource” and select “Label” from the list of option then type in the name of the section you require and then save changes. When this is done, use the plus icon at the left of the page to move the title to the top of the section.

An alternative way to update the Section Name and Summary, click on the topic Edit button. Click on Edit Topic, change the name as required, if the default name is required untick Custom. Add a summary for the section as required.
Click Save Changes

How do I reorder sections or items?
Turn Editing On, Click on the 4 headed arrow to the left of the section title
Click on a section title and the section to be moved will be put underneath.  If it does not show refresh the page.
To move items to another section
Click on the 4 headed arrow to the left of the item to be moved.
Click where you would like the item put, ie To the top of section “Topic 1”
If it does not appear to move, refresh the page.
To reorder items within a section
Click and hold the 4 headed arrow, then drag the item to its new position.
If it does not appear to move, refresh the page


Why can’t students access my course?
Firstly, make sure the module is available to to students and not hidden. To make your module available to students. Turn editing on, click on the cog located at the top-right and select Edit settings then change Course visibility from hide to show.

How to access Moodle Archive?
Students and staff can accsess previous years sites on Moodle archive by either visiting Moodle Archive or finding it in the useful tab located at the top-left of any moodle page.

How do I get or give other access to a module?
If you need access or intend on giving others access to an existing module, please contact your subject group Online Course Developer (OCD). Please provide the name with the list of modules you need them to have access to.


How do I stop receiving emails from Moodle (manage notifications)?
If you would like to adjust some of your notification settings in Moodle.
All you need to do is click on “your name” in the top right-hand corner.  
Scroll to and click on Preferences, then Notification Preferences, and adjust the settings you would like. Select those you would like to receive or not receive either as an email or via Moodle interface.

How do I restore deleted content?
Locate and click the gear menu and select the “recycle bin” from the list. When you find what was deleted click the restore icon to return the item back on your module page. N.B: Not all items deleted can be restored back to the module page.

How do I grade a participant differently from the rest of the group?
Firstly, complete the marking for the whole group on one of the submissions when you hit ‘grade’. Then scroll down on the right-hand side of the window to find where it says, ‘Group submission settings’ and the response for ‘Apply grades and feedback to entire group’. Select ‘Yes’ and then click save changes.
This will then apply the same feedback to the entire group.

Then find the student that needs to receive a different mark and complete their individual feedback. Change the previous response to ‘No’ so it only applies the individual feedback to the one student. Then repeat on a different student if necessary.

How do I restore deleted content?

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